Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Effects Of Video Games On Teenagers - 909 Words

Effects of Video Games Video games are good tools to relax after hours of working and studying. In moderate doses, video games can keep teenagers’ lives balanced between academics and entertainment. If they are in stressful states or worried about their assignments, a few hours of playing video games can help to dispel all of these unnecessary thoughts. However, many teenagers nowadays consume hours a day only for playing video games. Consequently, they fall into the virtual fantasy worlds of video games, which not only causes them many struggles in real life, but also leaves destructive effects. There are three negative effects of excessive video game playing in teenagers including negative behaviors, bad moods, and health problems. To begin with, one effect of excessive video game playing in teenagers is negative behaviors. One aspect of negative behavior is procrastination. When teenagers fall into the obsession of video games, they put everything which has to do with their video games as a priority. In other words, they are busy looking after their virtual characters in video games but neglect to take care of their responsibilities in real life. For example, I once delayed getting my assignments done and going to the markets to participate in a special event happening in Guild Wars 2. Time passed by but the responsibilities were not completed. Another aspect of negative behavior is social isolation. Teenagers immediately go back home to play video games instead ofShow MoreRelatedVideo Games Effects On Teenagers1716 Words   |  7 Pagesform, and video gaming is a huge part of our culture. You can ignore or embrace video games and imbue them with the best artistic quality. People are enthralled with video games in the same way as other people love the cinema or theatre† (Serkis, n.d.). Video games have shot onto the scene within the past 50 years. With technology advancing as fast as it has today, video games are becoming more and more realisti c, as well as inherently more violent. The pressing question of today’s video games is, areRead MoreThe Effects Of Video Games On Teenagers1776 Words   |  8 PagesNegative Effects of Video Games on Teenagers I. Introduction a. Hook: Video games have developed with electronic technologies in this century and have been welcomed by the general public including children and teenagers. Today 97 percent of teenagers in the United States play video games every day as they want to relax and sales of games are growing. b. Thesis: Although video games are used for entertainment purposes, they have had many negative effects on health, behavior, and study of teenagers. IIRead MoreThe Effects Of Video Games On Teenagers1923 Words   |  8 PagesStudies show that teens play video games a lot; â€Å"The National Institute on Media argues that almost half of heavy video game players are aged to 17. In its 200 report on video game usage, it finds that 42 percent of children play video games for at least one hour per day.† (Nakaya) It is commonly believed that children play video games too much, and that this has a negative effect on the mental status of teens. This statistic proves that this is untrue, as an hour a day is very reasonable time frameRead MoreNegative Effects Of Video Games On Teenagers895 Words   |  4 PagesNegative Effects Of Video Games On Teenagers Do you think video games are good for teenagers? Video games are one of the fastest growing entertainment. And 97% of American teens play the video games. And young people aged 8 to 18 play the video games for about 13.2 hours a week. Do you think it is too much or normal? There are a lot of negative effects on teenagers for 13.2 hours playing games. For example, video games are experiencing emotional angst among teens, and many teens are sufferingRead MoreEffect of Violent Video Games on Teenagers1070 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction Violent video games are special games, which negatively influences to the attitude and behavior. These video games are popular between children and teenagers. Since 1980-s years violent games are in political discussion. Because when teenagers usually play violent video games, they are becoming aggressive and then they face with psychological problems. For this, some people claim that violent games are harmful for society and they affect to behavior and health. It was interested inRead MoreEffects of Video Games on Children and Teenagers Essay1251 Words   |  6 PagesEffects of Video Games on Children and Teenagers In recent years, technology has developed very rapidly. This has led to many arguably both positive and negative changes in our everyday lives. One such change was the increased accessibility of personal computers and gaming consoles as well as the introduction of numerous video games. Due to their entertainment value, these games gained popularity among children and teenagers. Although many concerns have been voiced related to playing video gamesRead More Negative Effects of Violent Video Games on Teenagers Essay1280 Words   |  6 Pages Video games have been available to consumers for the last 30 years. They are a unique form of entertainment, because they encourage players to become a part of the games script. Todays sophisticated video games require players to pay constant attention to the game, rather than passively watching a movie. My working thesis is â€Å" Although there are other factors that can lead to violent behaviors such as inner stress, playing violent video game s are one of the main factors that can lead to violentRead MoreThe Effects Of Video Games On Young Children And Growing Teenagers1610 Words   |  7 PagesInfluence of Gaming Controversy about video games continue to escalate between parents and gamers, regarding the psychological effect of simulated, realistic, and 3D violence on the minds of young children and growing teenagers. Yet, research shows that video games contribute very little to today’s everyday violence, despite complaints and concerns that games influence a child’s normal behavior. Technology is a way of life in today’s world, computers are used by toddlers, adolescents, andRead MoreThe Negative Effects Of Video Games794 Words   |  4 Pagesimproved, video games have been enhanced together with the latest technology. Now, video games have become one of the most iconic hobbies and free time activities for teenagers from simple smartphone games to high-graphic console or pc games. However, some people tend to claim that video games are harmful to teenagers and cause them behave violent and aggressive. Also, some opinionated radicals state that video games are related to youth violence. While some people think that video games have negativeRead MoreEffects of Video Games on Teenage Life1442 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿Video games are part of the lives of almost all teens in America, (Lenhart, Kahne, Middaugh, Macgill, Evans and Vitak). Therefore, it is important to understand what, if any, effects video games are having on teenage life. Because many video games contain violent content, imagery, and gameplay, much research on video games has focused on whether playing violent video games leads to violent or aggressive behavior in youth. There is a lot of conflicting evidence about the relationship between video

Friday, December 20, 2019

Analysis Of Annabel Lee s A Kingdom By The Sea - 1780 Words

The turn of the nineteenth century for the newly formed United States was a time of nervous apprehension running alongside a giddy sense of adventure. The colonist had shirked the cloak of Britain and was a fledgling country of their own, similar to a young adult trying to figure out their way after leaving home. Nothing spoke of this like the Romantic writings in the early nineteenth century. The works tended to have a lot of good vs. evil and oppressor vs. oppressed. They tended to be optimistic, very democratic in their views, anti-slavery, some even dipped into the early women s rights movement. The romantics were rebels with a cause, nonconforming individuals that think and stay true to how they see themselves. Along with the lofty language, the authors tended to write their prose they also managed to keep the details of their writings very generic. Such as Edgar Allen Poe, with his location description in Annabel Lee: In a kingdom by the sea.(Poe) The Romantic author also like d being a master of his or her fate. The Realist was different from the Romantic in as many areas. The Realist time was after the Civil War, many of them lived through the carnage, and it affected their views of life and the world. Realist writings usually consisted of a distinct time and place, unlike the Romantics generalizations. Samuel Clemens using the pen name Mark Twain had his novels set clearly in the Mississippi River delta during a particular time in history, his childhood.Show MoreRelatedLiterary Devices Used By Edgar Allan Poe986 Words   |  4 Pagesdevices in his major 1849 poem Annabel Lee. In his text he incorporates theme with imagery, symbolism, and form. These literary devices help lead the audience to the understanding of the overall meaning of the poem. Edgar Allan Poe s use of symbolism allows for the audience to understand how this gentleman feels about Annabel Lee. In the poem, the author uses symbolism when the narrator states, â€Å"For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams Of the beautiful Annabel Lee; And the stars never riseRead MoreDifference Between Poetry And Prose900 Words   |  4 Pagesrhythm before, we want to explore these concepts more specifically and more in depth. As both elements contribute to the overall tone, accessibility, and structure, or lack thereof, of the poem, we feel that everyone would benefit from a more in depth analysis of rhyme and rhythm and how they affect our understanding of a poem. Practicing scanning and interpreting the feet of the poem will be eye-opening for these particular poems, as well as skills that students can transfer to other poems and later classesRead MoreThe Works Of A Depressed Man Essay1830 Words   |  8 PagesPoe: The Works of a Depressed Man In this paper, will analyze the works of the great poet Edgar Allen Poe. My focus of this analysis will be his theme and how it related to his life. The poems I will be analyzing are Annabel Lee, The Raven, and Spirts of the dead to show the themes of Poe’s works. My analysis will show how Poe used the tragic events of his life as well as a few of the good things that happened to ultimately inspire themes of death, depression, and despair as well as some other minor

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Tobacco World Health Organization

Question: Discuss about theTobacco for World Health Organization. Answer: Introduction: The use of tobacco has been one of the biggest causes of death around the globe. According to TheWorld Health Organization(WHO), roughly 6 million bereavements occur which is a propos 10% of the entire deaths just die to tobacco consumption. The Aboriginal community alone has been witnessing large amounts of deaths due to smoking tobacco. The Aboriginal people experience health problems related to the tobacco smoking in statistics unequal to the larger Australian populace, and they are nearly three times further probable designated every day smokers. To curb this, projects such as The Tobacco Project have been set up. This project was first financed in 1995 with the main concern target grouping included Aboriginal adults, juvenile people and even minors (Elton-Marshall, Leatherdale, Burkhalter, 2011). Ethical Implications The Aboriginal community has been experiencing extreme death and sinister due to the lifestyle factors specifically to the smoking habits (Hafner, 2015). Tobacco has from a very long time been the key reasons for the alarming death rates in the Aboriginal community. It has been observed that in the 20th - century tobacco alone has caused a whooping 100 million deaths (Thomas, 2012). Smoking alone has lead to an alarming 20% of the entire Aboriginal deaths nationwide in 2003 (Thomas Glover, 2010). Smoking of tobacco can lead to fatal diseases like hypertension, peripheral vascular disease, lung cancer,cancers of the larynx and mouth, strokes, pancreatic cancer,heart attacks and chronic bronchitis (Tonelli, 2004). The period during which one smokes plays a vital role in establishing the fact how fatal the effects shall be. Most of the community people are falling prey to smoking tobacco that is eventually eating up their lives (Sweet, 2002). It has been witnessed that even the pregnan t ladies are smokers which directly contribute to the child health. In 1994, according to a survey, around 54 per cent of Aboriginal men, as well as 46 per cent of Aboriginal women, smoked (Heaman Chalmers, 2005). The reasons for such high amounts of smoking is connected to factors such as culture, migration, and scarcity, obsession, socioeconomic injustice, a lesser amount of way into precautionary and additional medicinal services. The Aboriginal people were involved in the research as researchers who belonged to the same area and had knowledge of the culture and language. Key ethical implications: Various projects have been brought up, out of which The Tobacco Project (TAP) has been an influential one. The tobacco project is a project targeted to lower down the tobacco users The Tobacco Project is caught up assessing the areas tobacco association hold up in the route of Territory Health Services (THS) Tobacco Action Project (TAP) as soon as it was conveyed in concurrence with an assortment of proof-based tobacco interference presented via the TAP Aboriginal Project Officers (APOs). This will put in significant new verification about the Aboriginal awareness of smoking plus giving up in far-off communities, the communal principles of smoking and quitting, neighboring and countrywide fashion in Aboriginal smoking, in addition to assessment of tobacco power interventions. It shall also set up the possibility of checking tobacco utilization inclination in far-flung Aboriginal towns, using hoard and carry away vending of tobacco (Pamela, 2016). Such scruti ny, as well as neighborhood advice, is parallel to the well-known supervising of communicable disease warning. It will also allow timely strategy answers to restricted alter in tobacco using up, and will make easy the assessment of the restricted collision of novel tobacco control actions and strategies. The project has certain ethical implications such as it will decrease the dominance of smoking amongst the people, for the most part in the Aboriginal community, it shall make an effort to augment the percentage of the populace that had by no means smoked, and lastly it shall put efforts to trim down exposure to ecological smoke (Kolte Schmidt-Semisch, 2002). Assessment of issues: The Aboriginal people can be involved in the project like the ones who shall be the initiators of the design, harmonizers and executors and even as the accomplices. The promotional materials such as plank cards can be utilized, and the Aboriginals can be given a brief regarding its usage. The final step of the feedback is to be taken to as to view whether the desired outputs are received. The project first and foremost is caught up in making an assessment of tobacco proceeds in communities that have received an inducement subsidize endowment, with expenditure in harmonized communities that have not received grants. It is also caught up in the before and after the assessment of the tobacco society involvement in intrusion communities using stakeholder meeting, scrutiny and community examination. For this very scrutiny, various interventions can be done such as community involvement, preparation of the health experts in carrying an epigrammatic intercession on tobacco, Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT), a spot of vending intrusion, smoke-liberated environments, allotment of health endorsement material, quit line backing, school involvement as well as media. For all this, the Aboriginal people can be caught up in the investigation, its analysis and also the reporting. The reason for the same is that they all belong to the same area, and hence the recognition of the prob lem shall be easy. All the research is done with the projection of eliminating the tobacco menace so as to give back a better community (Ritchie Reading, 2004). Effective strategies: In the community involvement the community as a whole shall be preferred so as to bring about maximum awareness. The training module for training the professionals for smoking cessation can be done. The Ponzi Ponzi Book teaching unit can be implied for the same. The respective health center can also be given as a single minimum set of fitness endorsement resources, such as flick maps and pamphlets. Nicotine has been approved to help quit smoking and for the same dialogue amid the health experts can be done to ensure that Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) is accessible. Discussions can be arranged with the area council, store supervisors, drill principal, the staff members, and employees of additional community centers in relation to the prologue of thumbs down smoking policy for the enclosed areas. In order to promote the quitting of smoking stickers possessing the phone numbers of the promoters can be placed here and there, specifically in the telephone booths so as to attract maximum sight of people so as to affect community largely. Also, the distribution of materials such as placard, leaflet, sign and supplementary fitness encouragement matter in and around the neighborhood can be done (McKennitt, 2012). Since the children are at a great risk to be aligned to smoking, so efforts can be made to make them realize the ill effects of smoking, by organizing presentations at school depicting the harmful effects of the use of tobacco (Dawson, Cargo, Stewart, Chong, Daniel, 2012). The media such as newspapers and television play a vital role in spreading awareness in regards to this type of danger. The media can show various presentations on about the disastrous results of use of tobacco. The stakeholders i.e. the Aboriginal people involved in the intervention process have identified a number of barriers to the implementation of the community tobacco programs such as be deficient in information on the subject of accessibility of funding, lack of concern of society associates in setting up the intrusion, convolution of the submission progression, be deficient in of rejoinder to endowment applications, stiffness in exploit of the finances, impediment in the allocation of financial support, be short of assurance to enduring subsidy, inadequate endowment, inadequate prop up from the TAP APOs along with the health sponsorship bureaucrat for the reason that of understaffing, not have women TAP APOs, inadequate time meant for APOs and further health promotion personnel to widen associations with the group of people and be deficient in reaction to the population on the conclusion of mission. The progression analysis has illustrated that there are a lot of barricades to the triumphant execution of these line ups, including technical delays, disturbance within the area, be deficient of hold up from Health Promotion Officers owing to insufficient recruitment and innate phenomena such as torrent and tornado. Before and after assessment of the pervasiveness of use of tobacco in a gang of folks who contributed in equally community surveys can reveal good results. Even with such barriers the removal of the tobacco from the Aboriginal community can be done using integrated techniques and definite surveys that shall augment the number of non-smokers that soon shall make the Aboriginal community free of the tobacco nuisance. Conclusion The Tobacco Project can be a source of great help towards establishing a tobacco-free community. The proscribed examination of an area tobacco intrusion can have a noteworthy brunt in dipping the use of tobacco products in an intrusion community. With the beginning of a smoke-free course of action for public spaces in the neighborhood, sponsored with supplementary tobacco intercession, positive results can be obtained for the Aboriginal community. With such implementations, it will be seen that more Aboriginal people shall start taking into consideration quitting or following an action plan to give up tobacco. All this can happen just by providing information on the subject of the health consequences of using tobacco through intervention, probably due to the anti-tobacco crusades. References Dawson, A., Cargo, M., Stewart, H., Chong, A., Daniel, M. (2012). Identifying multi-level culturally appropriate smoking cessation strategies for Aboriginal health staff: a concept mapping approach.Health Education Research,28(1), 31-45. Elton-Marshall, T., Leatherdale, S., Burkhalter, R. (2011). Tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drug use among Aboriginal youth living off-reserve: results from the Youth Smoking Survey.Canadian Medical Association Journal,183(8), E480-E486. Hafner, D. (2015). Death, Funerals, and Emotion in an Australian Aboriginal Community.Ethnos, 1-20. Heaman, M. Chalmers, K. (2005). Prevalence and Correlates of Smoking During Pregnancy: A Comparison of Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Women in Manitoba.Birth,32(4), 299-305. Kolte, B. Schmidt-Semisch, H. (2002). Controlled Smoking: Implications for Research on Tobacco use.Journal Of Drug Issues,32(2), 647-666. McKennitt, (2012). Does a Culturally Sensitive Smoking Prevention Program Reduce Smoking Intentions among Aboriginal Children? A Pilot Study.American Indian And Alaska Native Mental Health Research,19(2), 55-63. Pamela, N. (2016). Recognition is a Matter of Life and Death in Aboriginal Australia.Int. J. Appl. Psychoanal. Studies, n/a-n/a. Ritchie, A. Reading, J. (2004). Tobacco smoking status among Aboriginal youth.International Journal Of Circumpolar Health,63(0). Sweet, M. (2002). High smoking rates among Aboriginal community cause financial hardship.BMJ,324(7349), 1296d-1296 Thomas, D. (2012). National trends in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander smoking and quitting, 1994-2008.Australian And New Zealand Journal Of Public Health,36(1), 24-29. Thomas, D. Glover, M. (2010). Smoking and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and MÄ ori children.Journal Of Paediatrics And Child Health,46(9), 516-520. Tonelli, M. (2004). Death and renal transplantation among Aboriginal people undergoing dialysis.Canadian Medical Association Journal,171(6), 577-582.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Teenage Dream by Katy Perry free essay sample

â€Å"Less cute and more sexy† than her previous albums, claimed pop star Katy Perry before the release of her new album, â€Å"Teenage Dream.† It contains the hits â€Å"Teenage Dream† and the Teen Choice award-winning single â€Å"California Gurls† (featuring Snoop Dogg), as well as other songs that express her one-of-a-kind personality. Overall, this album is amazingly written and sung. â€Å"Teenage Dream,† â€Å"California Gurls,† â€Å"Last Friday Night† (aka TGIF), and â€Å"Circle the Drain† are upbeat and perfect for parties. Her unique lyrics include an enticing chorus that will keep people hitting the replay button. I enjoy the first six songs because they keep my spirits up and I like singing and dancing to them. Another side of Katy Perry is revealed in the last six songs. These tracks are slower and more meaningful. â€Å"Firework,† â€Å"Who Am I Living For?† and â€Å"Pearl† share the theme of not being afraid to express who you are. We will write a custom essay sample on Teenage Dream by Katy Perry or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They also talk about showing others how you shine. â€Å"Who Am I Living For?† is a question directed toward the listener, and you have the chance to answer that question after listening to the song. â€Å"Not Like the Movies† and â€Å"The One That Got Away† are break-up songs. They are more subtle and the lyrics go well together, similar to â€Å"White Horse† by Taylor Swift. â€Å"E.T./Futuristic Lover† shows the subject of not being afraid of true love. I enjoy these songs, but they are slow-paced and not easy to dance to. Despite that, they are very meaningful and help me gain insight into my life. They are the perfect contrast to her bubbly songs. Even though Katy Perry is one of my favorite artists, I feel that this album is geared more toward older teenagers or adults. Her lyrics, especially in â€Å"Peacock,† are a bit far-fetched compared to her previous album. Also, some of the lyrics dont really make sense and are hard to relate to. Despite these flaws, I would still listen to Katy Perrys fantastic album.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Amoral Prince free essay sample

Machiavelli presents his stance on morality first through his rejection of morality as a viable framework, and second through his promotion of virtu, glory, and reputation, which brings considerations outside of the amoral nature of the search for power. It is clear that Machiavelli has higher priorities than the moral actions of the prince. We will write a custom essay sample on The Amoral Prince or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He regularly rejects morality as a necessity, opting instead generally for that which creates stability. â€Å"This leads us to a question that is in dispute: Is it better to be loved than feared, or vice versa? My reply is one ought to be both loved and feared; but, since it is difficult to accomplish both at the same time, I maintain it is much safer to be feared than loved†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (51) Here he spurns the idea that love, a generally accepted goal of those seeking the moral high ground, is relevant to the higher goal of the safety of the prince. Some would contend that Machiavelli is promoting evil by promoting fear over love, but he doesn’t ever promote evil when it is not called for, only when it is most efficacious. In this instance he simply felt being feared was the safer alternative. Evil for the sake of itself is actively discouraged. â€Å"[the prince] should do what is right if he can; but he must be prepared to do wrong if necessary†(55) Here what is necessary is what maintains power, but with that necessity absent, honorable actions are preferable. Machiavelli does obviously have some moral compass, as he feels that good actions do have a value over evil actions when power is not a consideration. For the leader though, power is always a consideration, and subsequently morals are never the most pressing goal. Instead of worrying about his own morals, the leader needs to instead worry about their absence in others: Anyone who wants to act the part of a good man in all circumstances will bring about his own ruin, for those he has to deal with will not all be good. So it is necessary for a ruler, if he wants to hold on to power, to learn how not to be good, and to know when it is and when it is not necessary to use this knowledge. (48) The implication here is that in a world with all good men, a leader would be able to lead through only good actions. As this is not the case, leaders are forced to beat evil doers at their own game when necessary. In addition to trying to outsmart those who would do evil against the prince, the prince should also make efforts to discourage future acts of evil by others, and subsequently prevent future necessitation of his own harsh acts: Well used cruelty(if one can speak well of evil) one may call those atrocities that are commited at a stroke, in order to secure one’s power, and are then not repeated, rather every effort is made to ensure one’s subjects benefit in the long run. 30) From this it is evident that cruelty should never be a goal in itself, as it alienates ones subjects, which has its own harms. Machiavelli gives us Maximinus as an example: [he] had acquired a reputation for terrible cruelty†¦ So everybody was†¦ agitated with hatred arising from their fear of his ferocity. First Africa rebelled, and then the senate and the whole population of Rome; soon all Ital y was conspiring against him. His own army turned against him†¦ Seing so many united against him, they lost their fear of him and killed him. 62) So it is clear that Machiavelli is not in favor of evil; it causes a populace to turn against its leader. If the populace’s fear of punishments and interventions by the prince rivals their fear of having an unstable state, they will have no reason to further support the prince. Machiavelli’s prince should be viewed as generally moral, even if occasionally he is not, in order to promote stability and respect towards himself. Again, this is not for the sake of morals, but for the sake of the kingdom’s maintenance. As a general rule, Machiavelli does not respect morals as an important part of being a leader, though he doesn’t actively disdain them. The appearance of morals has its own important ends, of causing the populace to respect their ruler, but this is not the same as being an actually moral person. From this one would conclude that Machiavelli is a promoter of amoralism, but as we will see he does have respect for some goals beyond only power and stability. In many ways glory is the means to causing respect, and resultantly stability, â€Å"[Ferdinand of Aragon’s] deeds have followed one another so closely that he has never left space between one and the next for people to plot uninterruptedly against him†(68) In this instance by constantly maintaining an honorable reputation, Ferdinand was able to avoid any maintained criticisms of himself, which compounded could have lead to unrest. Prior examples have shown glory, virtu and reputation is merely another means to an end, not an end in itself, but there are quite a few hints that glory is something to be sought for its own sake: Men are much more impressed by what goes on in the present than by what happened in the past†¦ So they will spring to a new ruler’s defense, provided he plays his part properly. Thus, he will be doubly glorious†¦ just as he is doubly shamed who, being born a ruler, has lost power through lack of skill in ruling (73) Here it is notable that glory(and its inverse, shame) are quantified. Were these simply means to state stability, it is expected that a ruler should achieve exactly as much as is necessary. Instead, glory is something that should be sought, and shame avoided, in quantity. It seems more notable that one can be ‘doubly shamed’. For consistency with the premise that maintenance of power is the end goal, any loss of it would seem the ultimate shame. In this case it seems more about the spectacularity of the failure, and presumably the endurance of the subsequent shame in public memory. Glory and reputation then seem to be partly a search for a lasting memory of greatness within the public consciousness, not just for the preservation of the state. Glory is not only its own end, but it is one that can only be achieved through moral means, â€Å"One ought not, of course, to call it virtu to massacre one’s fellow citizens, to betray one’s friends, to break one’s word, to be without mercy and without religion. By such means one can acquire power but not glory. (28) This is an interesting contrast with Machiavelli’s many statements to the effect of doing whatever maintains power is best, good or bad. There is still an implication that it is better to have power without glory, than it is to have neither. Still, it is clear that glory is something desirable of itself, and that it cannot be achieved through immoral means. A prince then, once he has attained his power, must have moral considerations at heart. Machiavelli’s prince is by no means an immoral or even amoral actor, though he may occasionally commit immoral acts, in the search for power. Clearly, morals do play into the search for a lasting reputation, which is by Machiavelli’s estimation at least equally, if not more important than power alone, â€Å"Above all a ruler should make every effort to ensure that whatever he does it gains him a reputation as a great man, a person who excels. †(68) This great man cannot become so simply by being an acceptable leader, one who holds power but does not use it towards his reputation. Yes, Machiavelli does teach us that evil acts are occasionally necessary, but purely as a means towards the stable foundation that allows a ruler to lead with success and morality.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

College Essay Topics Stunning Ideas about Life in College

College Essay Topics Stunning Ideas about Life in College College essays are the most crucial essays in a student’s life as they have a great effect on one’s future. Gaining seats in college is getting harder day-by-day as the number of applicants for a single seat are increasing. So, the only way to improve your chances to get into a college of your choice is by writing an outstanding personal essay as a part of the college application. A college essay may be only 500 words long but can make a big difference in your entrance competition. An interesting college essay can change your rejection into acceptance. It all depends on how you write an essay as it will show your talent and help admission committee to differentiate you from other students.   A college essay provides additional information about the student which cannot be judged by regular tests, grades or extracurricular activities. An interesting college essay must be appealing so that it draws reader’s attention and makes the writer an exceptional student. You can write an essay describing yourself or the activities you are interested in. The main thing which must be taken into consideration while writing your college essay is to keep on expressing how great, how genuine, how smart you are! You can also write about some incidents in your life which inspired you or which have motivated you to create your ambitions. The main point of your essay should be the originality and unique look of your essay, which increases the attractiveness. A college essay must be concise and realistic as it will make your essay more persuasive and appealing. Special attention must be given while choosing the topic. College essay topics are easy to find but your main aim should be to decorate it with your writing skills. On its completion it must be presented in such a way that it captures everybody’s attention. You can write about the plans you have after finishing your college. You can describe your genuine thoughts, future plans. You can express your goals in life, how they can serve others and make your dreams fulfilled. Similarly, you can write why you have chosen this profession or carrier, why this degree is important for you. If you need some assistance in accordance with your essays you can seek for our advice and we will gladly help you. You can get any type of professional help from our high skilled writers who have already graduated and are highly experienced. Here is a list of the best college essay topics: Organizational Behavior Human Sexuality Psychology of Women Art Appreciation Information Technology in Business Management Applied Managerial Marketing Physiological Psychology Christian Theology Affirmative Action Hispanic American Diversity Children and Violence Taxation Restorative Justice Developing E-Commerce Solutions Capital Punishment Advanced General Psychology Breast Cancer ECON 201 Money and Banking Demonstrate Basic to Advanced Features of Spreadsheet Software Managerial Accounting and Organizational Controls Illegal Immigration Legal and Ethical Decision-Making Commercial Transactions and International Law Financial Management for Human Service Administrators The Importance of British Literature in Understanding Our World Today

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Kraft Foods Corporation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Kraft Foods Corporation - Assignment Example Kraft Foods Corporation, launched in 1903, is the leading drinks and cuisines firm in N. America and the subsequent most prominent corporation globally. Therefore, nothing speaks to the Kraft Foods corporate values more than the company’s relentless concern on safety of food. The company ensures that it consumers use its brands with confidence and without fear of contracting some health problems. Â  In connection to this, environmental, anti-biotech team tests have concluded that taco shells brand contained a certain protein (Cry9C), a pesticide is unproven for consumption by human, ((Kraft Foods Co., 1995).. The corn now only approved for utilization in animal feed since the issue concerning whether the product could cause unhealthy reactions to human beings is unclear. Test provided by an environmental, anti-biotech team confirmed harmful corn traces in a taco shell brand, which had been bought in the suburb of Washington, and laboratory tests by Kraft Company confirmed sim ilar results, (Kraft Foods Co., 1998). Â  Therefore, in response to this claim, Kraft Foods Company, a Phillip Morris Company division, announce an intentional recall of the whole Taco Bell line of production such as Taco shells home original 12 and 18 and taco kits and seasoning 12, until the company will be confident that genetically modified corns are no more in the company meals. Irrespective of the claims, Kraft Company affirms that there are no human health threats from the corn (Kraft Foods Co., 1998).