Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Effects Of Video Games On Teenagers - 909 Words

Effects of Video Games Video games are good tools to relax after hours of working and studying. In moderate doses, video games can keep teenagers’ lives balanced between academics and entertainment. If they are in stressful states or worried about their assignments, a few hours of playing video games can help to dispel all of these unnecessary thoughts. However, many teenagers nowadays consume hours a day only for playing video games. Consequently, they fall into the virtual fantasy worlds of video games, which not only causes them many struggles in real life, but also leaves destructive effects. There are three negative effects of excessive video game playing in teenagers including negative behaviors, bad moods, and health problems. To begin with, one effect of excessive video game playing in teenagers is negative behaviors. One aspect of negative behavior is procrastination. When teenagers fall into the obsession of video games, they put everything which has to do with their video games as a priority. In other words, they are busy looking after their virtual characters in video games but neglect to take care of their responsibilities in real life. For example, I once delayed getting my assignments done and going to the markets to participate in a special event happening in Guild Wars 2. Time passed by but the responsibilities were not completed. Another aspect of negative behavior is social isolation. Teenagers immediately go back home to play video games instead ofShow MoreRelatedVideo Games Effects On Teenagers1716 Words   |  7 Pagesform, and video gaming is a huge part of our culture. You can ignore or embrace video games and imbue them with the best artistic quality. People are enthralled with video games in the same way as other people love the cinema or theatre† (Serkis, n.d.). Video games have shot onto the scene within the past 50 years. With technology advancing as fast as it has today, video games are becoming more and more realisti c, as well as inherently more violent. The pressing question of today’s video games is, areRead MoreThe Effects Of Video Games On Teenagers1776 Words   |  8 PagesNegative Effects of Video Games on Teenagers I. Introduction a. Hook: Video games have developed with electronic technologies in this century and have been welcomed by the general public including children and teenagers. Today 97 percent of teenagers in the United States play video games every day as they want to relax and sales of games are growing. b. Thesis: Although video games are used for entertainment purposes, they have had many negative effects on health, behavior, and study of teenagers. IIRead MoreThe Effects Of Video Games On Teenagers1923 Words   |  8 PagesStudies show that teens play video games a lot; â€Å"The National Institute on Media argues that almost half of heavy video game players are aged to 17. In its 200 report on video game usage, it finds that 42 percent of children play video games for at least one hour per day.† (Nakaya) It is commonly believed that children play video games too much, and that this has a negative effect on the mental status of teens. This statistic proves that this is untrue, as an hour a day is very reasonable time frameRead MoreNegative Effects Of Video Games On Teenagers895 Words   |  4 PagesNegative Effects Of Video Games On Teenagers Do you think video games are good for teenagers? Video games are one of the fastest growing entertainment. And 97% of American teens play the video games. And young people aged 8 to 18 play the video games for about 13.2 hours a week. Do you think it is too much or normal? There are a lot of negative effects on teenagers for 13.2 hours playing games. For example, video games are experiencing emotional angst among teens, and many teens are sufferingRead MoreEffect of Violent Video Games on Teenagers1070 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction Violent video games are special games, which negatively influences to the attitude and behavior. These video games are popular between children and teenagers. Since 1980-s years violent games are in political discussion. Because when teenagers usually play violent video games, they are becoming aggressive and then they face with psychological problems. For this, some people claim that violent games are harmful for society and they affect to behavior and health. It was interested inRead MoreEffects of Video Games on Children and Teenagers Essay1251 Words   |  6 PagesEffects of Video Games on Children and Teenagers In recent years, technology has developed very rapidly. This has led to many arguably both positive and negative changes in our everyday lives. One such change was the increased accessibility of personal computers and gaming consoles as well as the introduction of numerous video games. Due to their entertainment value, these games gained popularity among children and teenagers. Although many concerns have been voiced related to playing video gamesRead More Negative Effects of Violent Video Games on Teenagers Essay1280 Words   |  6 Pages Video games have been available to consumers for the last 30 years. They are a unique form of entertainment, because they encourage players to become a part of the games script. Todays sophisticated video games require players to pay constant attention to the game, rather than passively watching a movie. My working thesis is â€Å" Although there are other factors that can lead to violent behaviors such as inner stress, playing violent video game s are one of the main factors that can lead to violentRead MoreThe Effects Of Video Games On Young Children And Growing Teenagers1610 Words   |  7 PagesInfluence of Gaming Controversy about video games continue to escalate between parents and gamers, regarding the psychological effect of simulated, realistic, and 3D violence on the minds of young children and growing teenagers. Yet, research shows that video games contribute very little to today’s everyday violence, despite complaints and concerns that games influence a child’s normal behavior. Technology is a way of life in today’s world, computers are used by toddlers, adolescents, andRead MoreThe Negative Effects Of Video Games794 Words   |  4 Pagesimproved, video games have been enhanced together with the latest technology. Now, video games have become one of the most iconic hobbies and free time activities for teenagers from simple smartphone games to high-graphic console or pc games. However, some people tend to claim that video games are harmful to teenagers and cause them behave violent and aggressive. Also, some opinionated radicals state that video games are related to youth violence. While some people think that video games have negativeRead MoreEffects of Video Games on Teenage Life1442 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿Video games are part of the lives of almost all teens in America, (Lenhart, Kahne, Middaugh, Macgill, Evans and Vitak). Therefore, it is important to understand what, if any, effects video games are having on teenage life. Because many video games contain violent content, imagery, and gameplay, much research on video games has focused on whether playing violent video games leads to violent or aggressive behavior in youth. There is a lot of conflicting evidence about the relationship between video

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