Sunday, January 5, 2020

The History of Global Climate Change Essay - 1390 Words

Earth has experienced many episodes of dramatic climate changes with different periods in earth history. There have been periods during which the entire planet has been covered in ice and at another time it has been scorchingly hot and dry. In this regards, earth has experienced at least three major periods of long- term frigid climate and ice ages interspersed with periods of warm climate. The last glacial period which current glaciers are the result of it, occurring during the last years of Pleistocene, from approximately 110,000 to 10,000 years age (Clayton, 1997). Indeed, glaciers present sensitive indicators of climate change and global warming and by estimating and monitoring the dynamic evolution of these ice masses, several†¦show more content†¦Remote sensing has become a very valuable tool for documenting the response of glacier to changing climate (Bamber and Kwok, 2003; Kuhn, 2007; Pellikka, 2007; Solomon et al, 2007) because the rugged terrain, inaccessibility an d legendary poor weather of glacier areas has resulted in relatively few field- based studies. Indeed, in order to use glaciers and their changes as indicators of climate change, or as an early warning signal for sea level rise, remote sensing is the only tool to provide glacier change information from all the continents and from a large number of glaciers and ice sheets. On the other hands, because space borne and airborne remote sensing data provide superior cost- effective and area effective data and methods for monitoring the glaciers and their changes, part of this monitoring can be carried out by it. Glacier topography is one of the most important parameter to monitor as it is a key to glacier volume and glacier mass balance studies using the geodetic method. Topography of glacier can be mapped using various data types such as terrestrial photography, aerial photography, digital camera data, airborne radar data, satellite radar data (SAR), very high resolution satellite imager y and laser scanner data. By means of interferometric processing DEM could be retrieved by Synthetic aperture radar images withShow MoreRelatedClimate Change : A Changing For A Brighter Future1485 Words   |  6 PagesClimate Change: A Changing For A Brighter Future About 4.543 billion years ago, planet earth was created. 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