Thursday, March 12, 2020

Impacts of Industrialization on South Korea essays

Impacts of Industrialization on South Korea essays Industrialization has caused many changes in South Korea for a variety of different reasons. There are certain things that directly affect these things that go hand in hand with Industrialization. One of these is the percentage of people that are living in cities. One of the main effects of Industrialization is Urbanization. They go hand and hand. Also many discoveries are made around the time of Industrialization and all the inventions made. Some of these discoveries are medical and increase the life span of people. Again with the Urbanization and industrial ways of life playing a big part in the amount of people that are needed in the primary industries. We will now look more in-depth at these statistics and the other ones that are not so straightforward and directly linked with the impact of Industrialization. The Life expectancy is one of the statistics that changed a great deal in 30 years. From the 1970s to the mid 1990s the life expectancy on average rose by 6 years. That is a great change, and although this life span is not as high as some of the more industrialized nations like United States and Canada it is fairly high for a country that has stayed mainly agricultural. The rise in life expectancy is due to several factors. One is new discoveries in medicine have made people more healthy than they would have been other wise. The vaccines and other medicines that existed before the mid 1970s were also becoming increasingly available as South Korea began to countries that had the technology to manufacture these products such as antibiotics. Also as industrialization grew there were fewer slums and more sanitation for the average working people. Better sanitation meant the fewer diseases could survive. Lastly the availability of the medicine and emergency facilities increase when more people live in cities. They are simply closer to where the assistance is needed. Why industrialization is a country would in...

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